I have mixed feelings about placing music on the web site. This is because a recording, even of a live performance, lacks the ambiance and  "punch"  you would otherwise have at the actual performance. I highly recommend and encourage you to come and hear me perform live at an actual simcha. 

Notwithstanding, these points you still can get a “ taste” of the quality of sound you can expect with the Kol Yaakov Orchestra “one man Band”, provided that you listen to the music on equipment that's high fidelity . 

Call me Or e-mail me for a simcha nearest you where you can come down and hear a live performance.

Phone: (718) 868-1800

E-mail: kolyaakovorchestra@verizon.net 

Scroll down to go directly to the samples

click on the files below that have this color to play them. If it does not start to play,  

 right-click on the file and select "save target as" to download it. 

After it's downloaded you will have the option to "open" it.

 Select that option, or find the downloaded file yourself, and double click on it to play.


All music Performed Live Except Yedid & R'ee R'ee (which can be done live)


          Dance set 2 piece


                               Yiddin!  2 piece Extended One Man Band

          Asai Asai 2 piece 

                  Siman Tov !!! 

                   Hagomail & Posaich

                        Mi Chacham  (Lipa Shmeltzer)

                  Baraich Alainu  (MBC)

                                           Herb Alpert (Spanish Flea)  August 23 2010

                                   Happy Birthday  (S. Gertner) 2 piece 

                        Yedid Yaakov on the keys & flute 


                 Hora Extended One Man Band

     R'ee R'ee

                      Wake Up! (Lipa Shmeltzer)